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Marriage in Andoni

Marriage in Andoni, Introductory Rites, Traditional Marriage in Andoni, Escorting the Bride

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Andoni traditional marriage ceremony goes beyond uniting of two people in love but also bringing two families together in some unique special ways which is different from other ethnic group as far as their marriage traditions is concerned.
            The process of marrying an Andoni lady is presented below: Just like every other ethnic group, after a mature young man meets an Andoni lady he would want to marry the usual friendships ensures which serves as courting and giving them opportunities to know themselves better.   
            At a stage when it is clear that the relationship deserves extending into marriage, the man informs his family about his intentions and arrangements would be made to visit the brides’ family. The date for them to come would be given to him along with the list of things to come with.
  Introductory Rites
            Introduction/Knocking of Door in Andoni Itoto-ubok-melafang means “knocking on the door”. It is considered the formal introduction where the family of the prospective husbands meets and gets to know each other. The significance of this visit by the groom and his family is for the groom to be formal, introduced to the bride’s family and for both families to formally meet themselves and get to know each other.
            Both families would have a spokesman, in Andoni it is usually the father of the girl that is the spokes man, and before he will go ahead to say anything or do anything a fee must be paid. This the varies from family to family but the price is between 30-50,000 naira and this fee is open for negociation to grooms who are from Andoni, but grooms who are not from Andoni are not given the chance to negotiate. Then the father of the girl will go and ask the daughter if she accepts the man, if she says no then they will be asked to leave and no refund will be made. However,  if she says yes, then they will continue and the visitors will be welcomed and given light refreshment courtesy of the bride’s family.
            Then will follow discussion about traditional marriage, although the date is usually influenced by the bride’s family basically. The man is expected to come with some quantity of local gin, and other beverages. If the groom is not an Andoni man, he could be allowed to come with kola nuts as it is generally not a tradition for Andoni people to break kola nut for prayers.
            The main list for the traditional marriage is given to the groom’s family and necessary adjustment is made. Then the man and his family will go with the list and choose a day that they will come back to say if they have accepted the list or not.
            Also, the bride price is discussed and the bride price varies from family to family or clan to clan. It is usually dependent on the bride’s father and sometimes the financial strength of the groom.

            On the day of the marriage, the groom and his family alongside friends and well wishers assemble at the venue already chosen beforehand. Then the groom will move in to the inner room with some of his family members to pay the bride price, while some other activities will be going on outside and the bride will be getting ready for her day as well. After the bride price is being paid, the groom and his family will demand that their wife be brought out.
Escorting the Bride
            The bride is being escorted by a group of beautiful young ladies, who are mostly her friends, and some other ladies that are close to her in the community. Firstly the ladies will dance out on their own leaving the audience clueless of where the bride is then they will go to the groom and demand for transportation fare for the bride, and they will threaten that if the transportation fare is not given that the bride will not come out. The transportation fare is given the ladies will go back and come in a circle, with the bride in their middle dancing out, she will be escorted to her seat.

First Assignment
            Then the bride will perform his first assignment as a bride, her father will give her a glass of wine, and ask her to go and bring the man that would be her husband, out of the crowd to him, and whoever she brings out as the person that the father will bless. Then the bride will dance into the crowd and when she locates her would be husband, she will kneel before him and give him the drink from her father, then the man will collect the drink as a symbol that he has accepted her, and when he finishes drinking the drink, he will stuff the cup with home money and give the cup to the bride who will take both the cup and the groom to her father for blessing. After the blessing the couples will be ushered to a special place where they will seat together.
Cultural Display/Food/Atire
Cultural Display (Nsaibana Dance) (Maiden Dance)
            Andoni traditional marriage is usually colourful with beautiful cultural displays. The Nsaibana Dance which is known as the maiden dance as usually darned by young single girls who are ripe for marriage. They dress beautifully in their cultural attire and are well decorated with beads. In most cases, as these ladies do this cultural display, it is believed that they might be lucky and a husband might sight them or get interested in them in the process.
            The uniqueness of Andonie traditional marriage involves all aspect of their lives, from their day-day ways of life down to their tasty traditional dishes which make even non native to always salivate for more after being served. These dishes usually contain ulmost all types of sea foods, both cooked and smoked, shrimps, crabs, prawns, periwinkle, ngolo, ngbe, and very big smoked or fresh fishes like agbara, doro, singr, etc.
            Traditional meals such as fisherman soup and ukpo soup (black soup) are also served.
Traditional marriage Attire
            The bride is usually required to have two or more outing but the two outings that is almost compulsory is the first and second outing, which she will use two different outfits, while the men usually have just one attire.
            The first attire for the bride is called Uwo-Ekut and this means “house of wrapper”. This is a very beautiful traditional attire for traditional marriage and every woman should wear it on her wedding day. This outfit comprises the taking of 20 wrappers all at once, her mother and other women who specialize in tying. This wrapper will help dress her up, because she cannot be on her own. They will tie the wrapper on top of each other one after the other until it is 20 in number then she will wear her blouse (lace blouse) then she will put on Aaklari round her neck (nkpo Ebex). Then Aakali round her wrist (nkpo-ubok), then she will wear an ancient bead on her leg to enable her dance. Then she will hold edim on her left hand.
            Then the second outfit is usually simple; in involves the tying of two wrapper of her choice, either George, single, or English wrapper, with lace.
Then the groom does not dress too much, the groom puts on a long shirt with long sleeve, usually called “Atibo”. It is worn with a long piece of wrapper tied from the waist to the ankle, and some, hung over a shoulder, with Aaklari, and a walking stick, and in some cases with a black hat.
            After the wedding, the ceremony has come to an end. It is now left for the groom to take his bride to his house so that she crosses threshold of her husband house and gets into the room where the marriage is consumed in the night, then they become real husband and wife.
  Divorce and Remarry in Andoni
            The Andoni traditional system does not forbid divorce and remarry, and it is not limited to anyone, either the man or the woman. Both of them are free to initiate a divorce if he or she is tired of the marriage.
            If one party is tired and wants to divorce, all he or she has to do is to involve the elders and well respected men of the family, particularly those one’s that were present in paying the bride price and during other traditional rites. First these elders will try to talk to the couples to see if they can help resolve the issue. But if they will not then the woman’s family will be asked to return the bride price back to the man and his family.  When this is done, the marriage has been annulled peacefully, and the woman and the man will be free to remarry if they wish.

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Thanks for reading: Marriage in Andoni, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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